If I ever have spare time and extra money, I will choose to go shopping. It's very enjoyable for me and I will always have a good time doing it whether I'm with family or friends.
In the summer, beach volleyball is my go-to activity for exercise. It's so enjoyable for me to be out on the beach doing the thing I love most: volleyball. I started beach volleyball this summer and I hope to continue it this year.
Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed hanging out with people in my free time. I always have a good time when I'm with friends and family. It's my go-to when I am bored.
I started guitar when I was 7 and played for about a year. About a year later, I started piano. I played for 6 years and I stopped very recently. I always enjoy playing and I love that I have the capability because I can pick it up whenever I want. It is a very peaceful and fun hobby!